
Support of the Italian Bersaglieri Association
Support of the Tota Pulchra Association
Tota Pulchra is a social promotion association, born on 8 May 2016 from an idea of Monsignor Jean-Marie Gervais, President of the same Association and Coadjutor Prefect of the Vatican Chapter, with the aim of giving hospitality and space to artists, especially to the youngest and / or needy, helping them to express their art and, at the same time, organizing and promoting events (exhibitions, parties, performances and competitions) also in collaboration with other national and international bodies, organizations and associations that share the same goals. Tota Pulchra, or “all beautiful”, is the acronym of the Virgin Mary and one of the most beautiful and well-known hymns on the figure of the Immaculate Conception. The task of the Association, therefore, is precisely that of honoring the beauty of art as a manifestation of the Divine Light in the potential of man by promoting and spreading, through the artistic movement, the proper and original characteristics of Christian culture through the search for sponsors. , locations and partners for exhibitions, concerts and events in which artists can express their talent through the language of sound, body and voice or using video, graphic or photographic tools or that deepen the use of artisan techniques of interest historical - cultural.
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