MBA is a non-profit organization, which operates in full compliance with the mutual aid principle, offering every citizen the opportunity to experience the associative activity, without any discrimination of age, sex or work activity.
The achievement of any goal passes through the physical capacity of each individual to be an active subject: the founding premise of our life is health. Article 32 of the Italian Constitution defines health as a "fundamental right of the individual and collective interest".
The objective of the MBA is to pursue the constitutional dictate by bringing this right back to the center of each individual's life.
MBA grants are designed to improve the quality of life of members, ensuring better access to care and services, or through the provision of forms of support to the family in case of need.
MBA has studied differentiated subsidies based on the specific needs to which members can join as a single person or extend it to the entire family unit, including the more uxorio cohabitant.
There are no age limits and there is no medical history questionnaire for access to benefits.
MBA works every day to improve the subsidies and services provided to members, in order to guarantee them the best social and health care, always paying the utmost attention to innovation in care, also in light of the progress of medical and scientific research. For this reason, MBA firmly believes in prevention and, for years, has valued its social importance by providing its associates with innovative services such as, for example: Personalized Check-Up, Home Test (micro and self-diagnosis system), dental prevention, vision protection, facilitated access to the storage of stem cells and the "telemedicine" service which, through a simple instrument connected to the mobile phone, monitors the parameters of clinical relevance (pressure, weight, blood sugar ...) at a distance, facilitating the interaction between doctor and patient.
carries out the following activities in favor of its members / clients:
a) social and health treatments and services in cases of accident, illness and disability at work, as well as in the presence of temporary or permanent disability;
b) subsidies in the event of health costs incurred by members for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses and accidents;
c) family assistance services or financial contributions to the relatives of deceased members;
d) economic contributions and assistance services to members who find themselves in conditions of very serious economic hardship following the sudden loss of personal and family income sources and in the absence of public funds.
MBA, which in the first years of its establishment was aimed mainly at individual citizens, has expanded its membership base, increasingly gaining the appreciation of associations, institutions and companies that have chosen it to guarantee their associates and employees advantageous health plans and effective. In a few years MBA has registered an exponential increase in its members and has strengthened its presence in the supplementary health sector, becoming today the largest Mutua in Italy.
• Approximately 420,000 assisted persons
• Over 3,100 Mutual promoter members
• Agreements with over 8,500 healthcare facilities
• € 82.5 Mln of managed contributions
• € 27.2 Mln of Provision Fund 2019
• € 5.2 Mln of Share Capital
• Registered with ANSI ( National Integrative Health and Welfare Association)
• ISO 9001 / UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 certified - Provision of fund management services and mutual aid, for associates, in the health sector
• Company subject to voluntary review by BDO - Audit and Organization accountant
• Registered in the Register of Health Funds at the Ministry of Health
• Supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development and the supervisory cooperative bodies Confcooperative and AGCI (Italian cooperative general ass.) Data updated to January 2021
Values and Principles of Mutual Aid Societies
• Absolute absence of profit-making purposes
• Non-discrimination of assisted persons
• Open door principle: you tti can join a mutual regardless of health conditions
• Unlimited duration of the associative relationship with the right of withdrawal only for the member
• Extensibility of coverage to all members of the family unit
• Carry out economic and social assistance activities as well as cultural and formative