
All Yellowknife & Partners data are constantly improving. 
The graphs clearly show that all the main indicators have a positive trend. 
This is of great satisfaction because it occurs in a situation of markets that are still very unstable and above all in a geopolitical scenario that is constantly evolving. 
The presence of the Group in so many areas of the world allows us to serve our customers in a global and local way but also to carefully balance development on different countries and projects each time, making the most of the opportunities that the markets offer us. 

Turnover data is particularly encouraging, reaching in 2019 almost 16 M € with a corresponding growth of human resources over 120 units.
If these data are absolutely positive, their distribution in the various geographical areas also indicates a Group in full health. Both for turnover and for the presence of our resources, Europe continues to play a fundamental role with over 50% but at the same time the emerging markets of Asia and Oceania and North America grow with respectable percentages between 15 and 17 %.

The growth is supported by a precise strategic choice of quality and experience which leads the Group to have 44% of Senior Consultants who work alongside a 21% of Partners. 

Finally, the continuous growth of the number of Partners in the world (now there are 16) ensures highly professional and widespread support for our customers' projects.
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